Monday, May 22, 2006

Welcome Everyone

Hey everybody!

I'm glad you all decided to join. Feel free to play around with things and familiarize yourselves with the site. I look forward to posting the QT roster soon and sharing our thoughts. Have a great day!



Eesh said...

Haha, you are so funny. Hopefully more people will join before the end of the week so that by Monday, we can post the first quiet time :) YAY!

kayonne said...

schweet!!! Do you mind if I invite Chevonne or this just a B'more thing?

Eesh said...

:) No girl, the more the merrier! Invite anyone you want. Kayonne, I've given you administrative to be able to add new members as well as use your creativity and add links, enhance the design etc.

If anyone else is interested in having administrative rights please let me know :)

theresa said...

Woo! I'm excited too! I'm always in need of a good study cause I'm so ADD with the Bible sometimes.